Center for Integrated Intervention began in 2013 as a vehicle for forensic assessment and treatment program consultation. The Integrated Intervention model is a team effort by Cassandra and Wilson Kenney, developed when they were acting as Clinical Directors for separate treatment programs and working to avoid the “centipede problem” (too many legs/evidence based treatments and nobody knows how to use them) that can too often occur in settings with the best of intentions. Utilizing their diverse backgrounds in forensic work and systemic family therapy, they developed a way to think about evidence based intervention that could assess and treat clients where they were at, whether in a period of stabilization and external motivation, or growth and insight.
Since this time, Center for Integrated Intervention has continued to expand in knowledge, staff and services, but always with an eye toward context and simplicity.
Wilson received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Utah in 2007. He has experience in multiple treatment settings, including as a school psychologist, and he served as Clinical Director for a residential, outpatient, and proctor care treatment facility for adults and adolescents with problematic sexual behavior in Salem, OR prior to making the decision to conduct forensic assessments through the Center for Integrated Intervention. Wilson's areas of specialization include personality disorder, sexual misconduct, threat assessment and forensic assessment. Wilson is a licensed psychologist and certified Forensic Evaluator. He previously served on the Commission on Judicial Fitness & Disability, as well as the Review Panel for Forensic Evaluators, and he currently serves on the Oregon Psychiatric Security Review Board. Wilson is also a consulting psychologist for Foresight Security Consulting.
Wilson Kenney PhD dr.wkenney@integratedintervention.org (971) 258 7993
Cassandra is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and licensed school administrator who received her masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Oregon and doctorate in Educational Leadership from George Fox University. She has worked in a variety of settings including residential, outpatient, and school based and was previously the Clinical Director and School Administrator for a day treatment program. Her areas of specialization include systemic family therapy, behavioral intervention, clinical supervision, special education, crisis response leadership, comprehensive school counseling, and district threat response/sexual incident response teams.
Cassandra Kenney EdD, LMFT ckenney@integratedintervention.org (503) 438 6518
Delaney is a licensed psychologist and certified forensic evaluator in the state of Oregon. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacific University. As a member of the forensic track of her doctoral program, the majority of her training and experience has been within the forensic field, in both state hospital and private practice settings in Oregon and Wisconsin. Delaney's areas of interest include risk assessment, competency to stand trial, and sexual misconduct concerns in adolescents and adults. Outside of work, she enjoys competitive swimming, cooking, and rooting for the Timbers.
Delaney Banas PsyD dr.dbanas@integratedintervention.org (971) 770 9522
Breanna is a licensed psychologist with specialized forensic training that she received from placements at state hospitals, prisons, and private practices. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacific University in 2021 after completing an internship at Mendota Mental Health Institute, an inpatient forensic hospital located in Wisconsin. She recently completed a formal forensic fellowship at Mendota Mental Health Institute and Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center, a treatment facility for men who have been committed as sexually violent persons. Breanna is particularly passionate about risk assessment, criminal responsibility evaluations, sexually violent person evaluations, and competency to proceed to trial evaluations. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and exploring the Pacific Northwest with her dog.
Breanna Arnold PsyD dr.barnold@integratedintervention.org (971) 419 0125
Alicia is a licensed psychologist and certified forensic evaluator in the state of Oregon. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from George Fox University after completing an internship at the Youth Opportunity Center in Indiana, where she provided both treatment and evaluation services to adolescents in residential care and juvenile detention. She then completed a formal forensic fellowship at the Medical University of South Carolina, where she conducted a variety of forensic evaluations, primarily competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and evaluations referred by Family Court. Alicia is especially interested in evaluations of juveniles, dependency evaluations, and mitigation. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her dog and friends, finding the next best iced americano, summiting mountains, and traveling the world.
Alicia Gibson PsyD dr.agibson@integratedintervention.org (971) 377 8951
Leslie Rodgers is a licensed clinical social worker with over 25 years experience working with children and adults in various therapeutic settings, including group homes, psychiatric hospitals, and schools. She specializes in threat/sexual incident response, suicide intervention and school crisis procedures. She currently teaches suicide prevention classes at Lewis and Clark college and provides clinical supervision to new social workers. She holds a BA from the University of Texas and a Masters in Social Work from Portland State University.
Leslie Rodgers, LCSW lrodgers@integratedintervention.org (503) 998-5590